Favorites from #FallCUE 2015

Saturday I attended my very first Fall CUE in Napa and was feeling pumped, energized, and inspired all day! (Only the one day, unfortunately, since I still had to work on Friday...sad.) And in the spirit of #connectedtl month and a #bettertogether attitude, I wanted to make sure to share out my finds since sharing is caring, after all.

So here, in no particular order, are my biggest take-aways from this year's #FallCUE at American Canyon High School in Napa:
  1. Want to add a little dramatic effect to your next presentation? 
    • Throw a blank slide into the slideshow and watch everyone in the room pause to look at you! 
    • Love this tip from @RooseveltBSD and can't wait to see all the looks of confusion in a room full of faces when I try this one!
  2. Recognize the shared wisdom in the room...
    • @Kfairchild6 and @msjlura reminded us that when presenting to or training adult learners, don't forget that most will come in with some kind of knowing more about something than you do
    • Utilize the shared wisdom... how can everyone in the room contribute something to the learning?
  3. Badging. That is all.
  4. Badge my colleague made for
    me on Sat. after I figured out the
    Table of Contents feature in GDocs!
    • I might have known before last Saturday, but now it's confirmed... badging is THE thing right now!
    • I earned badges as a Girl Scout years and years ago... pretty sure they still do that, so really I guess it just never went away and now we're expanding the idea into different industries as a motivator. Works on me! I started earning my CUE badges as soon as I arrived at the event!
    • I didn't attend any sessions myself, but I learned a great strategy for using badging in PD from my CampbellUSD TOSA PIC who dropped into a session-- have teachers earn badges for completing trainings, level up, and earn compensation for earning certain numbers of badges or levels... I like this idea! And the idea that some teachers might also be able to "test out" of trainings and earn badges for topics that they are already proficient in. 
  5. @ArcherEdTech is way better than me at playing "Remember When..."
    • Turns out I need to work on my creative story-telling skills...
    • AND I love this as another way of "funning up" my PDs! ...Been focused a lot on making PD fun since our #TOSAchat on the topic last month , so I'm adding this to the bag o' tricks!
  6. @TheWeirdTeacher is just as cool in person as he seems online. 
    • Thanks for the selfie :)
This guy!

Click to view our notes from Fall CUE 2015


  1. Glad you enjoyed our session. I am also completely on board with the badging movement. Cate Tolnai and Kari Milton seem to be the masters on this, or at least the evangelists. If you contact either one, I'm sure they'd share the resources from their sessions!

    1. Thanks for the tip, Kevin! I keep hearing that Cate is one of the badging gurus. Lucky me she's coming to work at my county office-- we'll have to reach out to get started with badging at our district!

  2. Next year you have to make both Friday and Saturday. Ooh don't forget you have to make it out to Palm springs for the Big CUE too

    1. For sure! And I will definitely be seeing all ya'll in Palm Springs this year (it'll be my first time there as well)!


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