Amanda Haughs is an award-winning educator and learning designer at Campbell School of Innovation (CSI), currently teaching computer science and making for grades TK-8. She is passionate about computer science education, mathematics, making, and design thinking in classrooms to develop creativity, divergent thinking, inquiry, and problem solving skills in students.
A PBS Digital Innovator, Silicon Valley CUE Outstanding Educator and Raspberry Pi Certified Educator, and CSI 2024 Teacher of the Year, Amanda leverages technology and constructionist-based learning design to personalize learning and engage students in more authentic and meaningful learning experiences.
(Full portfolio available at
- Teacher of the Year 2024 -- Campbell School of Innovation
- SVCUE Outstanding Teacher Award
- PBS Digital Innovator Award
- Raspberry Pi Certified Educator 2016
- Leading Edge Professional Learning Leader
- CUE Rockstar Faculty
- EdCampSV Organizer
- Google Certified Educator
- Apple Teacher
Recent Speaking Engagements & Presentations:
Fall CUE Conference (Oct. 2023): "Personalized Pedagogy in the STEM, Arts and CS classroom"
CSTA "How We Teach Computing" Summit (Oct. 2022): "Introduction to Raspberry Pi"
ISTE CCL (June 2022): "Composing with Code"
CSTA Summit (June 2021): "Sonic Pi Playground"
ISTE (June 2021): "Developing a Designer's Mindset"
CUE Spring (Mar. 2021): "Incorporating Inquiry in K2 Math" & "Developing a Designer's Mindset"
ISTE CCL (June 2020): "Developing a Designer's Mindset"
Fall CUE Conference (Oct. 2019)
Learning by Making event by Pi-Top (March 2019)
Learning by Making event by Pi-Top (March 2019)
In the Media:
"Primarily Pi..." (reprint in Hello World's Big Book of Computing Pedagogy)
Contributor to Running Successful Computing Clubs (Hello World Magazine, Issue 16)
"Community Profile: Meet Amanda, Raspberry Pi Certified Educator, teacher & maker of things" (MagPi Magazine, April 2018)
"Ms. Haughs's Tote-ally Awesome Raspberry Pi Bag" (Raspberry Pi blog)
Raspberry Pi Certified Educators (Raspberry Pi Annual Review 2016)
Picademy USA (HelloWorld Magazine vol. 1)